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5 Organizing Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

5 Organizing Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

organization mistakes

More than just “clean”, a well-organized home is one that’s functional and easy to maintain. When done right, everything in an organized home has a spot.

But it’s not always that easy. A few organizing mistakes can turn your home from calm to chaos in no time.

The good news is that these organizing mistakes can be fixed. Here are 5 common organizing mistakes we all make, and how to avoid them for a clutter free home.

Let’s get into it – the common organizing mistakes we’re all guilty of!

(And how to fix them, of course.)

Organizing mistake #1: Aesthetics over function

Sure, those narrow neck jars would look super cute to store your flour and baked goods. But if you need to grab a cup of flour, are you really going to be able to get it out easily?

Or, the cooking oils and spices fit great on the top shelf. But, when you’re rushing for some garlic powder while cooking, can you easily reach that top shelf?

Organize your home with function as the top priority. As aesthetically pleasing as something looks, the method simply won’t last if it’s not functional.

Instead, think of your day to day routines and everyday lifestyle when you’re organizing your home. This will help you organize to your habits and make life way easier.

Organizing mistake #2: Not maintaining the organization

Once you’ve organized your home, the most important step to take is to maintain it. One of the most common organizing mistakes we make is an assumption that home organization is a one time task.

If done right, a total overhaul isn’t required on the regular, but you still should be maintaining it to ensure it stays in check.

This means that for every new item you bring into the house, you follow the same organization principles by finding a place for it and putting it where it belongs.

This also means that when you clean up after a long day, you put things back where you originally designated their spot to be.

If you feel like this is difficult to achieve, then you might be guilty of the next organizing mistake: a non-sustainable method.

Organizing mistake #3: Not a sustainable method

If you’re finding it difficult to keep your home organized, then perhaps how your home is organized isn’t sustainable.

When organizing any space in your home, it needs to be able to last.

The most important thing to do when organizing, is ensure the method you use adheres to your lifestyle and your routines.

Regularly used items need a spot that’s easy to access to frequently grab and put things back at ease.

Organizing mistake #4: The clutter still lingers

Despite how organized things may be, if you still have clutter out in the open your home will look messy.

Even when clutter is nicely arranged and organized, having too many things visible can cause a space to look overwhelming and chaotic.

Invest in covered storage options to organize, such as covered cabinets, baskets, drawer units, and ottomans with storage.

Organizing mistake #5: Taking on more than you can handle

Organizing your home is no small feat, so taking it one step at a time is key. Biting off more than you can chew is the fastest way to abandon ship. So, start your organization journey by choosing one space to begin.

Pick a room, and within that room pick one specific area to start.

For example, if you’re starting with the kitchen, step 1 shouldn’t be emptying the pantry, all the cabinets and drawers at once. Instead, pick one specific zone (let’s say that’s organizing the pantry) and start with only that project.

Once you complete that task, move on to the next area. Do this one step at a time, area by area, room by room.

organization mistakes at home


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