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5 Clever Tips to Organize Your Spices Beautifully

5 Clever Tips to Organize Your Spices Beautifully

how to organize your spices

A 5 step guide on how to organize your spices… and keep them that way!

A beautifully organized spice rack is not only pleasing to the eye, but seriously helps when you’re frantically looking for that pumpkin pie spice on Thanksgiving day. 

Your spice rack is a staple of your kitchen. When it functions well, you function well. Plain and simple.

If you’re in need of a spice rack overhaul, you’re not alone. With the amount of times we use our spices throughout the week, it’s one of the areas in the kitchen that get messy the fastest.

These 5 easy steps will show you how to organize your spices (and keep them looking beautiful) all year long. 

Clean out your spices

The first step when it comes to organizing your spices is to do a complete clean up of your current spice situation.

Take all of your spices out and start purging through. 

Toss out any old and expired spices that are past their shelf life, and clean up the surfaces where spice residue may have accumulated.

Decide where your spices will be stored

Next, decide where you want to store your spices.

Your current spot for your spice rack might not be ideal. Perhaps it’s a bit too inaccessible or hard to reach. If that’s the case, look for an area that has easy access and is ideally as close to your oven or main cooking area as possible.

A few things to consider if you’re someone who…

  • Prefers things tucked away and out of sight. If you can relate, organize your spices in either a drawer or cabinet so they’re not out on display
  • Needs quick and easy access to your spices. If this resonates more, you may want to display your spices on a shelf above the oven or turntable on the kitchen counter

Find spice jars that fit the space

Once you’ve landed on the perfect spot, source spice jars that fit the space.

Do a quick count of the total number of spices you currently have and add +5 to 7 for room to grow. Make sure that the spice storage jars you choose have ample room in the space you designated.

When it comes to choosing the right jar, there are plenty of spice storage ideas so pick what you like most. If you prefer easy use, a slender jar with a sprinkle lid may be best. If you like an open top to scoop more spice out with a teaspoon, a jar with a wider opening may be better. 

Clear glass spice jars can be helpful when you’re trying to find the right spice at a glance (not to mention it looks gorgeous when all your spices are arranged side by side).

It’s always best to purchase a few more spice jars than you need. Keep them on hand so the next time you come home with a new spice from the grocery store, you can follow the same process.

After you have your spice jars ready, be sure to wash and clean them before use. Empty out all of your spices into each jar.

If you have leftover spices that don’t fit into the jars you purchased (aka if you have a bulk Costco sized jar of garlic powder), use these remaining spices as your overstock. Put all of these excess spices away in a basket and whenever your spice jar is running low, refill and you’re good to go.

Label your spices

You don’t want to mix up cumin for cinnamon the next time you’re looking for a little flavor on your dessert!

Label your spices to differentiate the ones that may look similar. Be sure to label everything with the same font and coloring for consistency. This achieves a uniform look that makes your spice drawer look way more put together.

You can label your spices by purchasing labels and simply writing out each spice. Or, if you’re up for it, you can use a label maker for a neater and more “professional” look. 

Arrange your spices for maximum visibility and easy access

You’re almost there! Now that you’ve cleaned out your spice drawer, found a new spot, and have moved your spices into their new home, it’s time for the fun part.

The arrangement is the most important part of how to organize your spices. Your spices need to be visible and easy to access, so that things don’t come crumbling down when you reach for a spice jar in the back.

Avoid placing spices on top or in front of one another. Instead look for a way to layer your spices so that all are visible to the eye.

A few organization ideas to help with this include:

  • A lazy susan or turntable. If you’re putting your spices on your kitchen counter or tucking them away in a spice cabinet, the spinning functionality helps you easily grab the spice you’re looking for
  • Tiered shelves. The staircase type shelving really helps you see what’s behind what in a cabinet.
  • Alphabetical ordering. Knowing which direction your hand should head in when grabbing something quickly is always helpful.  

Now that you know how to organize your spices…

Be sure to maintain your spice rack on the regular. Once a month, do a quick tidy up of any spice residue that has started to build up. For any new spices you purchase, follow the same process with the extra spice jars you have. Rinse and repeat, simple!

Read more: 5 Simple Tips for the Most Organized Kitchen Ever

how to organize your spices


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