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7 Home Gadgets You Really Should Be Cleaning On a Regular Basis

7 Home Gadgets You Really Should Be Cleaning On a Regular Basis

home gadgets you should clean

If you think about how often we use our devices and electronics on any given day: it’s a lot! These are items in our home we likely use the most but clean the least. With touchscreen functionality and in-ear technology, the amount of bacteria buildup on these devices is tremendous overtime. (In fact, your phone is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat!)

We’re counting down the home electronics you should clean and disinfect on a regular basis.

Home electronics you should clean frequently

Phone and tablet

Disinfect your phone daily. Phones are placed on a number of different surfaces throughout the day making it easy to carry bacteria from one spot to another. To top it all off, we’re constantly touching our phones and even putting our phones to our face!

Sanitize your case and phone on a daily basis to prevent the spread of germs.


Your headphones should be cleaned regularly – especially if you’re using them to workout.

The buildup of sweat on your headphone can cause damage to the material and eventually the actual audio as well. Do a wipe down after any workout session to keep your headphones clean.

Keyboard and mouse

Clean your keyboard with canned air or flip it upside to remove any crumbs or debris that are lurking in the cracks.

Sanitize your mouse and keyboard, and be sure to get in the nooks and crevices!

Laptop surface

Similar to your phone, if your laptop travels around your home, it’s picking up and dropping off bacteria from surface to surface.

Regularly disinfect the top and bottom of your laptop with a disinfectant wipe or slightly damp towel with soap. (Be careful not to use a cloth that’s too wet to avoid water damage).


Though there may not be as much bacteria hiding away on your television, chances are it’s gathered a bit of dust.

Dust behind the television and on top of the frame on a weekly basis.

Remote controls and video game controllers

Anything that’s handheld and communal in your home is likely covered in germs.

Disinfect remote controls and video game controllers a few times week.


If your modem is stashed away in the corner of a room and anywhere near a vent, it’s likely covered in dust.

A few times a month, wipe off your modem and give it a quick clean to avoid dust build up.

Read more: 7 Daily Habits of People With Super Clean Homes

home electronics you should clean


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