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7 Tips for Designing a Small Bedroom

7 Tips for Designing a Small Bedroom

designing a small bedroom

Designing a small bedroom can be difficult. With limited space and not much of a footprint to work with, balancing space and functionality just might not seem realistic. 

Before waving the white flag and surrendering to an overly crowded and clutter-filled room, there are a few design tricks you need to know.

Everything you need to know before designing a small bedroom

There are a few important tips to know before designing a small bedroom that will help you optimize the space you’re working with. Here are 7 tips to remember when decorating any small space in your home. 

Choose furniture with dual purpose

In order to maximize the amount of space you’re given, you need to get creative when it comes to choosing furniture. 

Source furniture that has a dual purpose to kill two birds with one stone.

For example, look for a bed that has built in storage underneath it to avoid having to use precious real estate for a bulky dresser. Get a desk that can also double as a nightstand so you have one less piece of furniture in your room.

When you’re working with a small space, you have less flexibility for decorative items. Functional items need to be prioritized first, and if you can manage to find 2-in-1 furniture, you’re golden.

Optimize the wall space by hanging shelves

When designing a small bedroom layout, make sure you take the walls into account as well.

If you need storage, let’s say a bookshelf for example, rather than getting a floor unit, hang shelves on the wall to store your books.

You’re pretty limited with a small space, so putting as little furniture as you can on the floor space is ideal. You don’t want to crowd the room with so much furniture that you can’t walk in or around your bedroom.

Utilizing the wall space by hanging shelves provides function while saving space.

Design your small bedroom with lean furniture

Small bedroom furniture should generally be lean and slender. When possible, choose a smaller sized bed like a single or twin.

Look for furniture with a thinner build, and avoid footboards on bed frames.

Be sure to take measurements of your room and the furniture before bringing it in to really understand how much extra space you’ll have. 

Paint the walls to open up the room

Painting the walls of a small bedroom can help open up the room and draw more light in. When designing a small bedroom, light and airy colors can usually help with making the space look bigger.

If you do prefer dark colors, make sure to accent your bedding and furniture with lighter colors to draw more natural light in.

Hang mirrors to catch more light

Hanging mirrors in a small bedroom is a great way to catch more light, opening up the space to look larger than it appears.

A mirror perpendicular to a window is good placement for the light to reflect around the room.

Play around with the areas where you can hang a mirror and get creative with the shape and size. Finding the right shaped mirror can complement your overall decor and the aesthetic you’re going for.

For example, circle shaped mirrors contrasted against a twin bed can add depth and dimension to a room.

Hide away clutter

Since you’re working with limited space, even the smallest amount of clutter can make your room look messy right away.

Be sure to clear the clutter and find a way to store your belongings in closed containers. Baskets, drawers, and closet storage are a great way to hide away clutter, making your room appear clean and organized.

Install wall lights for a smaller footprint

Similar to hanging shelves, finding wall lights like sconces take up no footprint at all in comparison to floor and table lamps.

The more you can hang on the walls (without overdoing it) the better. You need as much floorspace as you can to put the major pieces of furniture on the ground. Optimize the space using the wall, and your space will feel way larger than it actually is.

Designing a small bedroom that’s right for you

For any small bedroom plan, it’s important to choose a layout that works for you. Understand your habits, lifestyle, and what the most important things are in order for your room to be functional.

Tiny rooms are important too! Customize a small space to your style and you’ll love it regardless of its size.

Read More: 5 Important Things to Consider When Designing Any Room

designing a small bedroom - small bedroom ideas


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