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10 Best Indoor Plants that are Perfect for Your Home

10 Best Indoor Plants that are Perfect for Your Home

decorating with plants - best indoor plants home decor

If you’re looking for a fresh way to decorate your home beyond fixtures, mirrors, and artwork, decorating with plants is the way to go.

Decorating with plants indoors adds life and energy to any space

Plants bring a sense of serenity and peace into a space, so incorporating them throughout your home is a great way to balance the indoors and outdoors. But, not all plants work well inside. Some only thrive in certain conditions, and others are really difficult to maintain.

We’ve rounded up the 10 best indoor plants that are easy to maintain, thrive in indoor environments, and work great as home decor.

Monstera Deliciosa

Otherwise known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, this vibrant plant is known for its natural leaf holes. Exuding a warm and exotic vibe, the Monstera makes for a great houseplant.

These plants thrive well in bright to medium light, and can be used as a pop of color when decorating a room.


Orchids are a beautiful flowered plant that require a bit more TLC for maintenance, but are well worth the effort. These plants need access to light, the right temperature, and humidity to blossom, so placement near a window is key.

Orchids come in a variety of colors and can serve as the perfect decor for a dining table centerpiece or nightstand. 

Aloe Plant

Aloe plants are a fun quirky succulent that makes for a great houseplant. The gel within its leaves can be used topically, most commonly used for sun burns.

Its thick green leaves help create shape and dimension in a room when decorating with plants.

Yucca Cane Plant

Easy to grow and maintain, the Yucca Cane plant is a great choice for any new plant owner. 

The spikey leaves of the Yucca Plant are a fun and lively way to bring excitement and energy to a space. Use this plant to accent an end table, or as a standalone tree in a decorative pot once it grows taller. 

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

A beautiful and lush Fiddle Leaf Fig tree is bound to add a serenity to a room. The large, popping leaves of a Fiddle Leaf Fig make a statement, being a great option as a focal point of a room.

These trees can grow to 6 feet or more, so be sure to create enough space for this tree when using it indoors.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are low maintenance and can withstand a number of conditions, which makes for a versatile houseplant. 

Its unique shape adds character and personality to a room as soon as you enter it. Snake plants are great decor accents for the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom.

Bird of Paradise

With its stunning fan of leaves, this tropical plant can get up to 8 feet tall when cared for right. 

The Bird of Paradise can be a beautiful staple in a bohemian styled room, or accented in a living room area for a pop of tropics.

Money Tree

With its unique braided stem, a Money tree is a gorgeous way to add tropical greenery to your home.

Money tree leaves grow on stalks in 5 or 6, and if you happen to have one that has grown to 7 – that’s very good luck! Use this plant as an accent in your kitchen or near a window in your living room.

Jade Plant

Also part of the succulent family, Jade plant care is simple and low maintenance. Jade plants need a generous amount of light to grow, so be sure to place them right in front of a window when decorating.

Jade plants are also said to be a plant of good luck, so keep them in your home office for good fortune!

Kentia Palm

The Kentia Palm is a gorgeous eye-catching palm tree that can make your home feel one step closer to the beach in minutes.

Use the Kentia Palm to create beachy and tropical remnants in your space. While you’re at it, have a Margarita, sit back, and relax!

decorating with plants - best indoor plants


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